Kurokawa Japanese Restaurant | yathar
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Kurokawa Japanese Restaurant


Yangon is a non-daily look, but kurokawa and grab food will support your daily life!!Kurokawa Japanese Resturant serve you the tipical Japanese Taste, specialy Tempura and Some Fish, at Yangon with many kinds of Japanese Sake and Shocyu collection. Please enjoy our taste. We have 2 private room for Lunch and Dinner Meeting, and we have 8 Seating at Counter, you may enjoy to see the cooking in front of you.『黒川』です。 私どもでは、天婦羅を軸に、日本と同じ味の追求を目標に各種日本料理を提供させて頂いております。特に、日本酒と焼酎のコレクションに関してはヤンゴン一と自負をさせて頂いてお

4.7 19 Bahan, Yangon
Budget - 5,000-10,000 kyat within 2,500 kyat

4.7 / 5
19 reviews
19 reviews
star 5
star 4
star 3
star 2
star 1

Tin Tin Ni
1 Reviews, 0 Followers
2019.10.26 Dinner within 2,500 5
Recommended, Good taste
Ohnmar Tun
1 Reviews, 0 Followers
2019.10.26 Dinner within 2,500 5
Recommended,Good taste
Masami Kyoya
2 Reviews, 0 Followers
2019.10.24 Dinner within 2,500 5
381 Reviews, 30 Followers
2019.10.25 3
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good taste
good food
Daw Thazin Oo
18 Reviews, 10 Followers
2019.10.25 3
Mi Khine
85 Reviews, 27 Followers
2019.10.21 Lunch 5,000-10,000 5
[{"id":7294,"from_user_id":null,"to_user_id":null,"shop_id":224,"review_id":4362,"media_id":null,"fcm_id":null,"device_id":null,"news_id":null,"type_id":3,"body":"good food","open":0,"status":1,"created_at":"2019-10-29T08:46:27.000000Z","updated_at":"2019-10-29T08:46:27.000000Z","to_user_name":null,"avatar":null}]
good food
Kyaw Khine
44 Reviews, 32 Followers
2019.10.21 Dinner 10,000-20,000 5
Delicious and good food for your healthy!!!!!
I recommend you to try.
Mg Mg Myint
48 Reviews, 13 Followers
2019.10.25 3
14 Reviews, 3 Followers
2019.10.21 Dinner within 2,500 5
Yummy! Yummy!
430 Reviews, 30 Followers
2019.10.21 Lunch 5,000-10,000 5
Delicious Japanese foods

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